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What To Include In A Benefits Package For Employees

When it comes to looking after your employees, there are different ways in which you can show your appreciation and help keep your employees happy. In small businesses, often the power of providing an employee benefits package can be overlooked. Not offering employee benefits means that there are fewer costs for you in the short term, but if you look at the long-term effects, you could well be hindering business growth, rather than helping.

Around 69% of employees revealed that they were more likely to stay with an employer that offers a good benefits package, with 68% saying that they were more likely to take a job if an employer offered a good benefits package. If you’ve been thinking about creating an employee benefits package, let’s take a look at some of the different things you can include.

Health and Wellbeing Benefits

On the whole, we’re becoming more focused on our health and well being and as a result, employees are looking for workplaces to offer dedicated health and well being benefits to support this. There are different types of benefits which can come under this that employers can offer as part of a package. Most tend to combine package benefits, so that employees can enjoy perks such as dental and vision cover and insurance,

Health and well being benefits make a huge difference for employees’ overall health and well being and they are amongst the most sought-after benefits by employees. Some further examples include:

  • Fully covered or discounted gym memberships
  • Access to mental health resources
  • Covered or discounted treatments for physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths, particularly for employees who spend a large amount of time at a desk

Work-Life Balance Benefits

Following the pandemic, many employees found themselves suddenly working from home. Without hours-long commutes, leisurely school drop-offs and more relaxed working environments, employees found that they could get more of life’s admin done, without an impact on their work routine.

Finding time for all the responsibilities and demands that come with life, alongside work deadlines, stresses and pressures can be a struggle. As a result, more and more employees are looking for work-life balance benefits to be integrated into employee benefit packages. These include things such as:

  • Re-adjustment of working hours to offer reduced hours
  • Flexible daily working hours, as opposed to a traditional 9-5
  • A remote-friendly working schedule to allow for working from home if desired
  • Mental health days
  • Birthdays off

Appreciation Benefits

Remember, it takes a team to ensure a smooth-running and successful business and, for dedicated and hardworking employees, sometimes more than just a “thank you” is required. Be sure to include some appreciation benefits as part of your employee benefits package where applicable.

Simple ways in which you can provide appreciation benefits include things such as providing business life insurance for key employees, bonuses for achievements, further training opportunities and company-paid lunches. People love to feel appreciated and, if they’ve gone above and beyond for your business, giving them some additional benefits is the least you can do!

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