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5 Tips to Succeed at Spanish Content Marketing

Over the years, businesses have shifted attention to content marketing. The pandemic has also driven many stores to invest more in their online presence. You can check out some stores like Vistaprint that already offer online services.

Content marketing is content carefully tailored to attract a set audience and drive sales. Are you looking to attract a Spanish audience? Great decision. First, you need a hosting provider if you don’t already have a website. You can read reviews on hosting providers like Host Europe to help with your decision.

Spain has attracted some of the biggest companies in the world in recent times.

The country has one of the best economies in the EU and is also one of the largest export markets. You, too, can benefit from that market. Read up on how you can be a successful freelancer.

But not all of your Spanish audience is domiciled in Spain. Spanish is one of the world’s most spoken languages, and its speakers are scattered across the Americas and some other parts of Europe.

This article will look at some tips to help you succeed at Spanish content marketing.

1. Go Spanish

Content marketing strategies are designed to reach an audience and eventually convince them to purchase your product. To do this, you need to engage them in their native language. That may seem like a no-brainer, but many marketers generate English content by default. Perhaps this is because they believe that using the world’s unofficial lingua franca would reach a more diverse audience.

However, specificity is essential in content marketing, and content must be tailored to suit the primary audience. Studies have shown that people are more likely to buy products marketed in their native dialect.

2. Understand Audience and Nuance

In addition to the first point, know your audience. Spanish audiences vary. For instance, certain wordings in an Argentine’s Spanish may have another meaning in Mexico or Peru. So, understanding your audience would help you recognize the nuances in the language. This is essential because these seemingly little variances in wordings affect SEO. With keywords, one has to be specific.

Optimizing your content with the right words will help you reach out to the right audience and ultimately generate more sales. The right words are, of course, the ones your target market is searching for.

3. Localize Your Domain

Targeting an Argentine audience? Use the ‘.ar’ domain extension. Targeting a Spanish audience? Try the ‘.es’ domain extension. Research has shown that using a more localized domain ranks your site high on search engines and enables you to reach the right audience.

4. Social Media is a Spanish Thing

YouTube, Facebook, Twitter — your audience live there. A growing population of Spaniards uses social media (near 70%). Even the Spanish population in the US leads the rank as the demography with the most social media users.

Social Media is also an excellent tool because it allows you to optimize for visuals. It is common knowledge that images strike harder than text, and that’s what The Gram is all about.

5. Study Your Market

Analyzing data can be hectic, but the more you know, the better your content. Study market trends, find out what the top influencers in your niche are doing, create an engaged customer base, and take note of their feedback.

The world is now on the web, and the internet is the new bazaar. If you want more for your business, and want to break into the juicy Spanish scene, then you must up your content marketing game.

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