Others think that genetic engineering will be used to make humans more resistant or completely proof against some diseases. Some even suggest that ‘cloning,’ the method of making an exact copy of a human, could additionally be possible through genetic engineering. Technology is commonly thought-about too narrowly; in accordance with Hughes, “Technology is a artistic process involving human ingenuity”.
The Cokroaminoto campus is used for the Technology Management Masters Program, ITS IKA Office, and a quantity of other cooperation programs. In 2019, ITS was ranked as the 4th finest university in Indonesia and declared as one of the best PTN-BH in the Implementation of Programs, Activities and Budgets. At international, ITS was ranked as the third best college in Indonesia in accordance with the Times Higher Education in 2019 and 2020. August 17th, 1957 – Proposing the institution of an engineering college foundation in Surabaya by Dr. Angka in Lustrum …